We have been using this script exclusively in our multiplayer games for a couple of years. We too had trouble initially in getting it to work and have had to modify it somewhat to do so. I don't do scripting but with a little bit of playing around finally got it to work.
First of all, you may have trouble with different soldiers and you must have the correct soldier name in the ini.sqs. I don't know if you can have different doods and have the script work. Try loading up the same soldier with the different weapons you wish to incorporate in your mission. That's what we do. Or load up ammo crates to accomodate what everyone may want to have in their arsenal.
The other thing we did was to get rid of the "force end" trigger. It seemed to sometimes give us trouble. You can use it but if all players die the mission will end immediately.
If you don't use the force end trigger after you die and "bag up," you will need to be careful NOT to hit your V key. The only way to respawn is to hit this key AFTER you are saved by a teammate. Otherwise you will be transported to wherever your respawn marker is located and sometimes after that you cannot respawn back where you died. You may also use the V button if all soldiers die so your mission can be completed. So if you all die, just wait until you bag out and hit your V and you can still continue with your mission. You can add vehicles etc. at your respawn point to get you back to your point of action. It can actually add to the complexity of your game by adding addition obstacles to get back to where your main mission is located.
This is a great respawn forcing real team play and eliminates the instant respawn that we think takes a lot of the fun out of the game.
But most important is to make sure your soldier name is correct in the init.sqs. Don't forget to name your soldiers also. S1, S2, S3 etc.
I hope this helps.