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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Maelstrom of Goodwill  (Read 7542 times)

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Tarados Qeng

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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #15 on: 04 Aug 2004, 13:20:11 »
Yep. No Island Thunder although it sounds cool.

Yep. Rebelliousness is a word.

Yep. Here's the Beta 0.55!

-Improved intro, but still uses setrelpos and is uncentered
         -Added artillery script
         -Adjusted group joining
         -Adjusted cutscene
         -Improved overview and briefing
         -Fixed some minor issues
         -Reduced some scum and lowlifes. Words, I mean. There are still too many of them.
         -Reduced skill of the Resistance troops at the Western ruins
         -Added some music

                         *No Spetz Natz guys yet
                         *No outro yet

This does nothing very great, 'coz I had too little time, but still it's far improved from the first version. I'll be out for nearly a week. Hope you'll test it a lot, I'll improve this when I come back.

Hope it'll work with GRK, too.

Btw, sorry, 'coz I've had only a little time I've myself played this only once through.


I don't know why anyone would protect it or land there?

There's an airfield nearby, just some clicks to North.
« Last Edit: 04 Aug 2004, 14:16:54 by Tarados Qeng »


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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #16 on: 04 Aug 2004, 16:08:50 »
The airfield of course but why land at a flat piece of land knowing the enemy is there?

You don't have to move it but what would you do if you're the NATO commander? Land where they expect you to, and have a Omaha beach senario? or land in an unexpected place and maybe take the airport and flank out the beach troops... :P

Anyways, sorry if I can't get around to beta testing, the mission editing competition is coming to a close soon and my mission still has quite a few things that need to be solved and fixed. So sorry if I can't get around to your mission. :-\


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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #17 on: 06 Aug 2004, 07:25:49 »
Hmmm, you have a great mission going here, I've just noticed a few things...

 - When the NATO forces are paratrooping out of the planes on the island, I noticed that about 1/4 of them landed in the water and promptly drowned.

 - The helicopter that picks you up on the island got shot down once from something, but thats only happened once... bug maybe?  ???

 - Once NATO is assaulting the beachhead, the men in the M113s unload too early and end up in the water, and again, promptly drown.

 - You may need to put setcaptive or something on the boats, as the squads all around us blew like 4 of them up before they got to the beachhead.

 - Lastly, when the NATO forces storm the beachhead, you should have them move up. At the end, I had eliminated all NATO forces but one guy, who was halfway underwater right on the shoreline. Spent a good 5 minutes finding that guy  ;D

But other than those minor things, I found your mission to be interesting and original. Playable and very fun.

One last thing... finish up Shatterpoint!!!! I need to play more missions!  :D

Tarados Qeng

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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #18 on: 10 Aug 2004, 10:51:36 »
I know some NATO guys may land in water, I've never seen over three or four men land in water. Well, the NATO chopper pilot just is a rookie... =)

Maybe it somehow flew too near the enemy choppers. I've never had that problem. Well, I should make sure that doesn't happen.

Fixed M113 unload problem.

Some of the boats are supposed to be shot before they get to the beach. There's what, over 70 or 80 men there - if you had to shoot them all after unloading it would be quite difficult. But probably I can put setcaptives to some boats.

The NATO squads moved on except for two squads. Fixed that. You see, if you have extracted this on the editor you'll see there's quite a lot stuff there - it wasn't easy to notice which groups lacked waypoints. Anyway, it's fixed now.

Well, GRK, I can explain that the other beaches are more heavily guarded. I know it's not maybe the best srategical option, but it's a good area for another Omaha beach wannabe. And I understand that you can't test missions much now that the MMC deadline is only a week away. I myself am too busy too to test anything else but my own mission. Sorry.

Ok, I've added artillery scripts to the Omaha beach part, too. You see, Americans fire on the place from their cruisers. New beta soon.

« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2004, 10:52:47 by Tarados Qeng »


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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #19 on: 10 Aug 2004, 23:00:02 »
Hello . Here's my review of your mission:

Intro: Excellent, but a found that a few of the voices ended before tey could finish the sentence, camera was great, but when the camera changed to above/left there was no actual camera where it was filming from?

Brefing: Great, it really made me think and understand the whole mission

Mission: Ok, now here i am in the boat. Half way to the beach, i get an objective completed and it says NATO forces defeated, mission complete. ?

Outro: was there one? i exited and tried again but same thing

overall a great mission, but i didnt see half of it.

Loosekannon (i have 1.96 incase you were wondering)


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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #20 on: 11 Aug 2004, 01:17:26 »
Finally someone has the same problem I did... ::) :P

If its any help I'm running 1.96 ECP.

Tarados Qeng

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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #21 on: 11 Aug 2004, 12:16:23 »
Ok, I don't know why it doesn't work, but I don't have ECP.

Intro: Excellent, but a found that a few of the voices ended before tey could finish the sentence, camera was great, but when the camera changed to above/left there was no actual camera where it was filming from?

Yes, I know the voices stop too early but that's a matter of no concern since I've already made completely new voices to it. Hmm... Is there a visual camera object?

I'll put new beta soon here.

Tarados Qeng

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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #22 on: 11 Aug 2004, 16:19:29 »

Okay, the new version (beta 0.6) is here. I guess it now works with GRK and LooseKannon, too, since I've changed the conditions of the end trigger. Outro's there, here's the readme which shows the other changes.


Title            :Maelstrom of Goodwill
Type            :Single Player Mission
Version         :Beta 0.6
Author         :Tarados Qeng
E-Mail         :tarados@mbnet.fi
Website         :http://koti.mbnet.fi/tarados/

File Name         :goodwill.zip
File Size         :2.26MB
Date Released      :08/04/2004

Un-off. Addons needed   :None
Required OfP version   :1.91
Recommended OfP version   :1.96

Description      :Some may know F.B.I. team's Shatterpoint 1986 campaign. I'm the project leader. But this is my second single mission I've made all by myself. Guess the reason is the Mission Making Competition. Well, I'm not quite sure that I'm gonna win...
   You are a Corporal of the Red Army, currently serving in Nogova. The isle is nearly completely under Soviet control, but there are still some traitors, rebels and other capitalist scum who try to prevent the Red Army from helping their comrades in Nogova. You are to neutralize those traitors' main camp on a small isle South from the coast of Nogova.
   So, this begins as a simple kill all rebels -mission. But there may be surprises...

Installation   :Extract 'goodwill.Noe.pbo'into your .../Missions folder.

Comments      :This is quite a long mission. It's just a beta, there may be serious problems. Any feedback is welcome.

Beta 0.6      :
         -Improved intro (somehow centered - still needs fixing)
         -Added artillery to the second part of the mission
         -Adjusted gameplay and made numerous minor changes
         -Added outro (never seen an outro with Japanese poetry before, eh?)

Beta 0.55      :
         -Improved intro, but still uses setrelpos and is uncentered
         -Added artillery script
         -Adjusted group joining
         -Adjusted cutscene
         -Improved overview and briefing
         -Fixed some minor issues
         -Reduced some scum and lowlifes. Words, I mean.
         -Reduced skill of the Resistance troops at the Western ruins
         -Added some music
Beta 0.5      :
         -First public release



Tarados Qeng

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Re:Maelstrom of Goodwill
« Reply #23 on: 14 Aug 2004, 18:29:51 »
Thanks for all who have been helping me. Maelstrom of Goodwill has now been submitted to the MEC 2004. I don't think I will win (or even be in the top 10) but at least I tried. I'm proud if this mission. Hopefully it works with all judges...

Okay, since this is now completed, I'm focusing now on Shatterpoint 1986. Once more, thank you.

Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available from the Missions Depot.
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2009, 17:00:05 by Walter_E_Kurtz »