Hi there
I dnt really know why i named it Final Strike to be honest, just came up with it and decided to stick with it.
The story is that American Forces have been on the island for a long time trying to keep the peace after sum war but have found things difficult due to the resistance fighters.
Americans think everything is all clear after a few "raids" have dealt with most of the resistance, except Zubhov who kept his head down for a while. He comes outta hiding and thats when u get to the Lipany bit, he wants to show that he's not finished and is willing to carry on the fight.
I've had a few ideas for missions:
1) The americans have intelligience somehow that Zubhov could be in two locations, further intel says that he is in either one of two ports awaiting a "package" frm some group i dunno.
To intercept Zubhov and this package there will need to be two simultaneous raids/ attacks on the ports to capture/kill Zubhov.
Now u wud take part in one of the raids as the same character as in Final Strike.
I was thinking that to add to it, ur raid/attack wud involve less ressistance meaning that Zubhov is not there. Maybe u cud get a radio message frm the other raid saying they are facing heavy fire and heavy losses.
Now u have to hop onto a chopper and fly and help if u can ur comrades at the other location.
2) Various objectives scattered around Nogova where u have to locate and destroy Resistance ammo dumps/camps etc.
3) Assasinations of known supporters of Resistance.
At the moment i'm thinking of doing number 1, i dunno i'll see.
Any ideas or comments?