This has got me stumped... i'm trying to create a mission and i've so many problems with the scripting i've tried created just simple test mission to try and solve the problems. Ok, here it is:
I create a unit and give it a group name. Then i delete the unit. This is so i can dynamically create some units later on.
Then i dynamically create two snipers using createUnit at a game logic position. And use the domove command to move one of them to another game logic position. OK, now this all seems easy enough, and should work surely?
I preview the mission with the player standing at the top of a hill with a pair of binoculars looking down at the snipers... And hoorah they move to the second position.
If however, i play this mission with a friend online, either of us hosting, the snipers don't move.
The player init's the script which is given below:
_way1 = _this select 0
_group = _this select 1
_skill = _this select 2
_way2 = _this select 3
"SoldierESniper" CreateUnit [getpos _way1,_group,"s_1=this",_skill,"CAPTAIN"]
"SoldierESniper" CreateUnit [getpos _way2,_group,"s_2=this",_skill,"PRIVATE"]
s_1 domove (getpos _way2)