camcreate isnt as good as create vehicle, createvehicle done on the server will be seen by all, i believe camcreate is local only, but i may be wrong
heres a script i use to create an autoflare firing system for nightime maps
The location of a gamelogic is passed to the script and this becomes the location of the firing point
there are several global variables, not inittiated below, these are normally to check if its dark enough for a flare to fire and alo some delay periods before refires etc etc
[Flarelogic1] exec "Arcflare.sqs"
;;;;;;;; ________ DO NOT EDIT THIS SCRIPT ________ ;;;;;;;;
?!(local server): exit
;;Autoflare system for nightime illumination
;;requires a gamelogic as a marker
_FlareLogic = _this select 0
~ random 15
goto "START"
~random 5
?(daytime > tx_sunrise)&&(daytime < tx_sunset):goto "PRESTART"
? !(tx_RndColor): goto "SKIP"
;;Randomiser for flare colour
_random = random 4
_random =( _random - (_random mod 1))
?(_random == 0): tx_flaretype = "FlareRed"
?(_random == 1): tx_flaretype = "Flaregreen"
?(_random == 2): tx_flaretype = "FlareYellow"
?(_random == 3): tx_flaretype = "Flare"
?(_random > 3): tx_flaretype = "FlareRed"
_flare= tx_flaretype createvehicle [getpos _flarelogic select 0,getpos _flarelogic select 1,1]
;;You can change these numbers. [0,0,0] will keep flare at spawn point until it goes out. Negative numbers reverse the direction
_flare setvelocity [2,14,18]
?(_flare distance _flarelogic) >100:goto "SLOWDOWN"
goto "LOOP"
;;After getting X meters away from logic, flare goes to this number for slowing effect.
_flare setvelocity [3,14,18]
~ (random 10)
goto "START"
;; Flare only burns for 15 seconds or so, so dont take it to high or far.