ok i'm using this to give a unit a weapon + magazines
_unit=_this select 0
_wep = "BAS_JM4desACOGS"
_mag = "JAM_W556_30SDmag"
removeallweapons _unit
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addmagazine _mag
_unit addweapon _wep
now for some strange reson it will not give the unit and mags...
if i put this into the units init then it works...
removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "JAM_W556_30SDmag"; this addweapon "BAS_JM4desACOGS";
so any idea what i'm doing wrong???
i bet its sumthing stupid...
cheers, Philly