A little note for anyone who plans on running a dedicated server for OFP-R 1.91 and above with Windows XP Pro.
If you try to run a server (OFPR_server.exe), you will find that your server.cfg file will not initiate.
The server.cfg will show others what the server name is, provide player password and admin password, limit your max players and provide a mission list.
If the server.cfg doesnt run, firstly, the server will be listed in the "Eye" or in OFP-R as your PC name (not to mention a whole heap of other problems)
I had contacted Codemaster numerous times for a fix, however they dont provide dedicated server support.
The fix is this:
Right click on your OFPR_server.exe and select "Properties"
On the 'Compatibility' tab, check the 'Run in compatibilty mode:' and from the drop down select 'Windows 2000".
Your server.cfg file should now execute.
No idea why this causes this problem, but it has annoyed the crap out of me for months. Thanks to Optimus Prime from CoFR for his help on this issue.