I have found yet another problem with a mission I made with BAS's units. Whats happened is that I have somehow managed to get the 1.46 version of BAS 's Littlebirds in the .sqm file, alongside 1.85 version
. This in turn is fecking my mission. Because a lot of 1.91 addons don't work alongside some addons designed for 1.46. Well this is causing my mission to come up with a messages like "Cannot load; Model Special" and "Cannot open object: bas_soar\bas_soarpilot.p3d".
I what I want to know is that is there anyway I get rid of this addon from my mission. What has happened is that I have got the addons: bas_lbs146.pbo and bas_soar146.pbo, but when I delete these addons from my addon folder, it comes up with
"Cannot load Mission: Missing Addons: bas_soar146.pbo, bas_lbs146.pbo"
Any ideas. Anyone who has downloaded my Mission "Operation Redknight" will probably be experiencing this problem. If not the let me know!