unitname dotarget bmpname; unitname dofire bmpname
2. Not really sure. I suppose you could place an empty BMP, put in the BMPs init field
this setfuel 0
, creat two soldiers, put in one soldiers init field
this moveindriver bmpname
, put in second soldiers init field
this moveingunner bmpname
. And if you want to let the BMP move, just put in a trigger, script
bmpname setfuel 1
3. I'm sure there is a better way than my idea, but you could put
unitname allowfleeing 0
for the civs who you want to stay and fight. And
unitname allowfleeing 1
for the cives who you want to flee (this dosn't mean that they will flee, it just means that they can if they want too).
4. No idea :-\
5. OFP is horrible at 2 things, close quater battles and hand-to-hand combat. The closest thing to hand-to-hand combat is
untiname playmove "StandStrokeFist"
(must be put in a trigger of script).