Some one else had a similar problem a while back and resorted to a fast looped script that constantly shut off the headlights of the vehicle.
If i remember correct, all he did by that was a nice strobo effect
for yer multiple mg's you could do several things.
I've attached a sample mish to this post, where i placed a few
m2's + a gunner per each. As spoken above - wp onto gunner
sync'ed to a radio-alpha trigger + wp "GETIN" onto gun.
Now i've used the first waypoints timeout fields that way:
min/max/mid: 0 - 60 - 30
Once you hit radio-alpha - each unit will wait for a different
random time period from 0 to 60 secs until he mounts the gun.
Now that's imho the easiest less-complicated way - only one thing
to take care about when using this method:
don't make the trigger a type: switch, as a switch trigger forces
the unit to do what it's ordered from the next waypoint ahead.
This would mean that the timeout would become ignored.
However when using a switch trigger, you could still simply implement a third waypoint between the first one and the GETIN
wp, to make the timeout in there.
:note - don't worry about random not equal everywhere in multiplayer, as in that case it would be the server, dictating
the random timeout - ya know ai movement is equal everywhere
and ai movement is controlled by the server.
If you can't use this way in your mission, feel free to discuss with
me another method ;D
~S~ CD