Hello again everyone, I'm compiling into a package some general mission editing references. I.E. Official Comref, Unofficial Comref, Weapon and ammo lists, etc. I use a lot of things for personal use for my own general references, so I figured as long as I'm at it for myself, midas well give other people good general refrences they can use offline.
I was wondering what the rest of you use as general reference material. I do not mean things like the FAQ's or things that answer specific scripting questions, but lists and files that you use to find different lines of coding, general physics, and other things. Right now I have in the package:
Official & Unofficial Comref
Vektorboson's Drop Tutorial
Johan Gustafsson Scripting Tutorial (I never used it, but I heard it was good and after reading some of it, it does explain a good amount)
Units, Vehicles, Weapons, and Ammo lists of the official Units, vehicles weapons and ammo.
Music lists.
Projectile time to live times
Official Flag Pack list of flags.
Here's the refrence readme I have going so far, I am trying to cite everyone I get these things from:
These are the people that I found these files from. Some of them may not of have actually created it, but they are who I am citing.
Unofficial Comref.html :
Lustypooh, Niosop
Fishion & Bloodmixer
Fishion & DeaDMeaT
Simonpro - Commands from: Spinor, Backoff, Roach, and several others.
Resistance Anims.txt :
Flag Pack.txt
Posted by Mr. Zig on the official forums, unknown creator.
Drop Tutorial.html :
Official Comref :
Bohemia Interactive Studios (BIS)
Scripting Tutorial :
- Johan Gustafsson aka Goldsword
Music.txt :
Vehicles and Units:
Weapons and Ammo:
Major Fubar
Projectile Time to Life.txt
If someone has a list of all the things ingame like buildings and things like that, that you can add without addons by changing the SQM, please send it to me, and save me the trouble of going through the pics of all the .p3d's and typing it all out.
Edit: And please correct me on any citations I have wrong as to who made what.