Hi all,
MRsteve here,
Just got back into editing and playing OFP since the days of 1.20 and WOW!
Ok I tried to make an easy unit specific respawn script for MP(not wanting to use the work of others and wanting to learn also)
So I made this .sqs:
; ***************************************
; BMP2 vehicle respawn
; ***************************************
; Select the Unit
_unit = _this select 0
;-Delay the delete after death
; delete old
deletevehicle _unit
; Create a new BMP2
_unit = "BMP2" createVehicle getpos bmpspot
_unit addeventhandler ["killed", {_this exec "bmpspawn.sqs"}]
It works a treat ,but after a while the vehicles stop getting destroyed and will not blow up, any ideas other than use a already known script most welcome.
It seemed that this would be an efficient way of doing respawn(with eventhandlers)
Also in init of orig BMP:this addeventhandler ["killed", {_this exec "bmpspawn.sqs"}]
Any ideas or similar encountered? The map kicks ass when i played online, but a shame when vehicles stop spawning.
Thanks all