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Author Topic: Mission Ideas Needed Please  (Read 2482 times)

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Mission Ideas Needed Please
« on: 14 Feb 2004, 13:40:01 »
At the minute i want to create a new mission preferably on the island of Nogova but ive searched the threads and CANNOT think of ANYTHING new left to make the mission about. Heres the only ideas i can come up with....

Hostage Situation-
Airport Mission-
Nuclear Warhead Facility-
Lost Pilot Situation-
Stop The Convoy-

If anyone can think of new mission ideas please reply as im getting desperate

Thanks all



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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #1 on: 14 Feb 2004, 17:11:20 »
This sounds like you are looking for a Spec Op mission?

Personally I would like to see something more dynamic, a mission that starts
out one way, but in the course completly changes.

This is just an example which would probably be very different from most
You play a Heli Pilot from the 160th SOAR. The mission is training mission
conducted together by Elements from Army Rangers and Elements from
Delta, supported by the 160th from the Air.

training area would probably best be the old Factory near the airport on
Nogova but other areas might be suitable too.

Rangers land outside (each Chalk in one Blackhawk) the Walls of the Factory
the Littlebirds land inside.
Targets will always those little Popupthingies  :)
The player only has to deploy his Chalk, and then takes off again, to provide
fire support.
So far it has only been an excercise in scripting (perfect to learn it IMO).
But then a noumerous things can happen:
1) You Heli act wierd (and might crash)
2) Another Helo crashs and you come to the rescue
3) Someone gets wounded by friendly fire during the ex. and needs to
get to the hospital real quick.

Or if you want more action:
The player is leading a Squad of Russians on a Patrol on Nogova during the
time Victor and his men are fighting against the Russians (Guerrila Warfare...)
maybe in a UAZ and a Ural, or on foot.
and several things might happen again:
1) The partisans attack you with a tank
2) You stumble upon a few of them when they want to do something they
are not suppost to do.
3) You stop a few of them in a Truck
4) You get a Help call from a unit being attack by partisans
(maybe a convoy)
5) Some high ranking officer has had a car accident and needs you help
6) You get attackt
7) There was a bomb explosion in some village and you should birng Order to Chaos and while there confiscate all weapons
'8) You might be "attacked" by a Carbomb etc.

I had this idea over a year ago, but so far I have not seen anybody implement it, or had the time to do that myself.

There are other ideas. Maybe a CSAR (Combat Search And Rescue) is not done often.
There are lots of Sniper missions and tons of Spec Op missions, so almost anything
different is not often done...on the other side that might just be my impression



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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #2 on: 14 Feb 2004, 17:41:01 »
Or, you might want to check out -->this post<--. It has tons of ideas ;)

Offline SEAL84

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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2004, 01:43:05 »
Indeed....that's what it's there for.


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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #4 on: 17 Feb 2004, 18:56:44 »
I like thew idea of a CSAR mission. They are not done enough to me. Plus with the possibilty now of having polits survive "feet wet" ejections it would make it more interesting

Here are 2 ideas.

1. Simple kind of foot or helicopter based search for a downed pilot. My be there are some rsistance forces out there to make more interesting. Crash site should be random. Plus if you do not find him in time, the resitance does and takes him hostage. then you must attack a rebel base and save him.

2. Have you seen Behing Enemy Lines. I like that movie and would really like a mission losely based on it. Say you get shout down during a regular patrol and you are the pilot on the run. You have a detailed map with many options(get to friendly territory, get to specific LZ for extration, make radio contact by getting to high ground, etc.) Also you could do like in the movie where the pilot has to get the pictures back from the ejection seat or some other objective(I could come up with some more ideas for an objective if you like the idea). It would be cool to have a scene like the one at the end of the movie in OFP.


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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #5 on: 17 Feb 2004, 23:31:46 »
1. Simple kind of foot or helicopter based search for a downed pilot. My be there are some rsistance forces out there to make more interesting. Crash site should be random. Plus if you do not find him in time, the resitance does and takes him hostage. then you must attack a rebel base and save him.

This sounds familiar to me :)



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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #6 on: 18 Feb 2004, 04:55:40 »
Yes it is fimiliar. I have tried that mission and I like it, but I did not copy the idea on purpose. It is really jsut a basic idea. I was thinking of a downed F/18 in Nogova. There are US forces there but they do not totally control the island. Kind of like the situation in Bosnia. Where soldiers don't know who the real enemy is. This would make the searching more difficult. I really was focusing on the #2 idea. #1 was just a generic mission.


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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #7 on: 19 Feb 2004, 16:53:54 »
I usually base my missions on real life missions.  Example, I am currently working on missions based on the Son Tay Raiders (vietnam), hill 776 (chechnya), this old film I seen about Rhodesia, a story an Airforce EOD guy told me about Iraq, the british rescue mission in Sierra Leonne.  I suck at thinking up my own mission ideas.  I usually start missions and then scrap them though, I can never polish them up properly.


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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #8 on: 19 Feb 2004, 19:34:17 »
Just in case you're still looking, you could make use of the larger buildings from Resistance to make a hostage rescue mission I have on my site (ofp.info/stories). It's called Embassy.

It's not your typical outdoors combat mission, but it might be fun to play like this for a change. Hope you like this. It's pretty simple. Basically, the London Embassy at Nogova has been taken over by a group of terrorists. The ambassador, his wife and two teenage sons, plus 14 people who work there as clerks, guards, etc., have been taken hostage in the buildings at the large embassy grounds (which consist of a large yard and several buildings: offices, depots, the main ambassador house, parks, etc).

You are an SAS at London. You get the phone call at two in the morning, ordering you to get your team ready, armed and on a plane immediately. The Nogovan TV cameras are already recording all the events. A hostage is shot in front of the cameras.

They brief you on the plane (by radio). They let you know that at least 25 terrorists have been infiltrated over time as embassy workers. Their demands are to have 2.5 million dollars, a chopper to take them to (x island, another country, etc). They (as well as the hostages) are distributed in different buildings. You must get the remaining 17 hostages out alive and eliminate the terrorists. They must not know you're coming in, else they'd shoot the hostages. Luckily, they do not seem to have any means of communication between the scattered groups.

When you're there, the terrorists add another demand (they have a camera to broadcast): after waiting for hours for their demands to be met, they announce that all demands must be met in the next 20 minutes, else they'll shoot everyone and blow the place up.

They don't have cameras, but they have TVs. And there are tons of people outside the embassy grounds recording the events for the news --right there at the gates, zooming in from far-away buildings, etc. If the terrorists happen to see your SAS team entering the embassy grounds, they'll kill every hostage. So it's very easy to fail this mission, since you really must be quick, silent and effective.

A nice addition would be that you have direct access to a couple of surveillance cameras (via radio command) where most (but not all) of the hostages are kept. That will help you monitor some of the terrorists' movements and act accordingly.

Of course, many surprises must be added to this mission, like terrorists that weren't accounted for, etc. You have 20 minutes to complete the mission, because they really mean to shoot everyone and blow up the place in that time.


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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #9 on: 20 Feb 2004, 00:37:30 »
Yes it is fimiliar. I have tried that mission and I like it, but I did not copy the idea on purpose. It is really jsut a basic idea. I was thinking of a downed F/18 in Nogova. There are US forces there but they do not totally control the island. Kind of like the situation in Bosnia. Where soldiers don't know who the real enemy is. This would make the searching more difficult. I really was focusing on the #2 idea. #1 was just a generic mission.

Sorry, OrangeLeader.  I was not trying to imply anything.  I just thought that it fit what you guys were talking about so you could get some ideas from it.  Lord knows, there are a thousand different ways to do that type of mission.

The Bosnia-like mission is a good idea.  Throw in some civies who you are not too sure if they will cooperate or turn you in (or both :) ) About like the whole Vietnam War.

Offline macguba

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Re:Mission Ideas Needed Please
« Reply #10 on: 20 Feb 2004, 01:12:43 »
1)  Here's a handy site that might stimulate some ideas.  


2)   If it doesn't, read some fighting soldiers' biographies.

3)   There are are buckets of great addons out there.    Which are your favourites?   Are there loads of good missions that really make good use of them?   No?   Well then ...

4)   Tap something random (but military) into google and go surfing.

5)   Which military engagement in history took place nearest your home?   Could you modernise it and replicate in in OFP?

6)   Play as many missions by other people as you can lay your hands on:  it will give you thoughts on what kind of missions you like or don't like; what kind you think you can make better; what kind don't exist.

My point is that you don't have to invent mission ideas in a vacuum.     Stimulate your mission creating juices by reading, watching, surfing - absorbing information from whereever you can.   Explore the island of your choice:  Frederick the Great never rode through a valley or across a hill without constantly barraging himself and his generals - what would have happen if an enemy army appeared from behind that wood right now?   How would you assaut that bog?   Could you defend that hilltop from the north?   Try doing the same.

You can always narrow down the possible choices with clear questions.    Will the player be a squad member, leader, or solo?  Or will this status change during the mission?     Night, dawn, day or dusk?     Air, land or sea?    Mostly walking or vehicle borne?   Armoured or soft?    Gunner, driver or commander?   Will this change during the mission?   How many times?    Consider all the possibilities and go for whatever tickles your fancy.   Or toss a coin.

Borrowing other people's ideas is fine as far as it goes (and full credit to the generous people who are kind enough to offer them to you) but in the end of the day is not as satisfying as coming up with your own.    

« Last Edit: 20 Feb 2004, 01:13:53 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play