OK after some experimentation, I realized I was thinking about it wrong. Touching off the satchel doesn't matter.
What I 'm trying to do is to trigger a script that blows up a fuel station/ ammo dump in a chainreaction of scripted explosions set into motion with a players satchel.
So, the idea is to detect when a satchel is put near the ammo/fuel cache, repair the objects just in case and then wait for them to be destroyed to set off chainreaction (cachetrigger = true) then make sure it can't be repeated (bravointact = false)
_mode=_this select 3
?_mode=="PipeBomb":goto "damagecheck"
goto "exit"
_crates = [fuel,ftruck,a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,b24,b25,b26,b27,b28,b29,ammocrate1]
"_X setdammage 0" foreach _crates
@"!alive _x" count _crates >= 1
cachetrigger = true
bravointact = false
goto "exit"