First off, I'm no ingrate. I'm so glad ofpec is back in action! But the problem is, it still isn't
fully back :'( :'( :'(
First off, I still can't modify my resources in the "pending" section of the ed depot. I can upload new files, but I can't change any of the fields, such as description, version, etc.
Also, I can't submit a function. Clicking on that link just shoots me back to the main functions page, which I was already on. In fact, many other "links" do just that (that is to say, nothing really except refresh). For example, clicking on the letters at the top of the main functions page does nothing. Or clicking on the "next page" button when displaying tuts/scripts does nothing (you can still just up the "per page" to 400 to see them all).
For the most part, it seems like the editor's depot is basically just as functional now as it was a week ago (with the exception of uploading files).
I'm not complaining! I'm just pointing out things that are still broken, in case you overlooked them. I'm VERY gratefull that the rest of the site is back up (especially the missions depot. I just can't trust missions from anywhere else
Big thanks to the staff at OFPEC! :cheers: