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Author Topic: some more questions  (Read 1156 times)

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some more questions
« on: 15 Sep 2002, 20:47:06 »
1) is each square on the grid equal to 1m x 1m?

2) about how big is an OFP person in oxygen. if the answer to question #1 is "yes", then how many meters high and wide is a person.

3) i still don't understand Resolution LODS completely. i checked out that guy's tutorial ( which i can't find the url to now eheh ) but i dont understand yet. so is it the higher the number, the more detailed the model? also, i heard that the max number for res. lods is 12.000, is this true? also, are there set numbers i have to use for the LODs, or can i just put 5.673 and 2.465 and OFP will automatically use them whenever needed. also any other tutorials or tips you could give me would help.

4) still looking for a free 3d modeling program you guys use; so if you could recommend one it would help a lot.

5) i forgot a questio: any function or tool in oxygen i can use to level the model exactly with the ground? i dont really wanna approximate and then have a little space between the ingame model and the ingame ground.

6) just rememberd another one: i dont see these normals i keep hearing about. do i need to create them, or should they automatically come when i create a face?
« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2002, 21:04:54 by Timmothias »


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Re:some more questions
« Reply #1 on: 16 Sep 2002, 01:14:41 »
posted at official forums too, got some responses if anyone has these questions too
