I think this is the script....
courtesy of Chris's script editor
i've used this before and I'm pretty sure it works
; Constantly shoots flares into the air at a specified rate and
; hight. Can be turned on and off.
; 4 parameters needed:
; 1. Trigger flare will shoot from. (Object)
; 2. Color of flare. ("WHITE", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW") (String)
; 3. Number of seconds between flares. (Number)
; 4. Height to shoot flares. (50 - 200) (Number)
; Example how to use:
; Radius: 0
; Name: Light_1
; Activation: Whatever needed (set CONDITION to TRUE to trigger at game start)
; On Activation: [Light_1, "WHITE", 20, 120] Exec "FlareLight.sqs"
; Turn it (them) off with FlareLight = false
; By CHenderMan@cableone.net
; Get the parameters given
_trigger = _this Select 0
_color = _this Select 1
_rate = _this Select 2
_height = _this Select 3
; Create the global variable for turning it (them) on and off
FlareLight = True
; Get the position of the trigger
_posTrigger = GetPos _trigger
; Create the height to start the flares
_x = _posTrigger Select 0
_y = _posTrigger Select 1
_z = ( _posTrigger Select 2) + _height
_posFlare = [_x, _y, _z]
; Set the color
?(_color == "WHITE"): _color = ""
_type = "Flare" + _color
; Create the flare light
?(Not(FlareLight)): Exit
_flare = _type CamCreate _posFlare
CamDestroy _flare
Goto "CreateFlare"