Do explain...
Well, If I'm not wrong IVA is part of BKM mod, that should release,
according to OP. Flashpoint CZ, an Avenger shortly. So I think that
they've resolved this problem. I've given a script to Footmunch last
september which launch in some manner a missile from a car (well, there are more solutions, Footmunch and I have found at least two),
and Footmunch produced a very basic Sa-9 Gaskin that is sitting
in my HD since last october. I can't be more detailed for now not
because I want to keep it a secret, but because now is a Footmunch
project. I was keep away by work in the last few months, so I don't
know even if Footmunch had the time to develop it further. If this
raise some interest I could talk with him to see if I can give away
more details. He would have released it anyway in his usual way,
that is the model and the scripts will not be binarized, so that
everyone could take a look and bring improvements.
Only don't expect wonders and, as I said above, you
will probably need a fast PC.