I'm new in to forum, but have been a passive observer for longer. I am using GOTY v1.91. I have searched the forum for a solution of my problem, but if it is there, I missed it. I know only little about scripting and such, but so far I was able to take care of all my needs
Until now:
I design a real big-in-size mission for which I need to have a helicopter that can be called via radio command, to find my position all by it's own, pick me and my teammates up and bring us to a save harbor.
I have tried with the script I found on page 240 of the Editor Uber Manual by ? Merciless Creations, but i don'T get the thing to work. The chopper is coming, but then stays stationary above my head.
I have a Blackhawk, named „heli01"
I have an active player named „me"
I have a script named „extraction.sqs". It reads like this (copypasted from the manual):
_x=getpos vehicle me select 0
_y=getpos vehicle me select 1
_z=getpos vehicle me select 2
heli move [_x,_y,_z]
heli01 land „land"
I have an invisible H named „landing"
I have an invisible H named „parking"
I have a trigger for radio channel alpha. It's activation line reads: „me exec „extraction.sqs" "
I have a global trigger, reading „ me in heli01" in the condition line and „heli domove getpos landing; heli01 flyinheight 30"
Fine. So far so good, the manual says. Testplay: I click onto Alpha in the radio display. An error message appears, saying something about a wrong value for unitready /#/. The chopper starts nevertheless, and comes to my position. But it does not land, it just stays overhead, and that's all.
I tried various approaches to this problem since last night, but failed.
Any help, please? Please, be precise/detailed in your answer, I really don‘ know more about scripting than what I needed so far. I lit the campfires, gave the vehicles unlimited fuel, equipped the ammo crates with some more stuff,and all my pride is having a helo waiting for me, fly me there, dropping me in an LZ and return to base all by it's own - and that's all I know about scripts
Thanks, Skybird