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Author Topic: Custom anims and usage  (Read 1159 times)

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Custom anims and usage
« on: 12 Oct 2003, 00:56:34 »
I have 2 questions:-

* I've made some animations for my FN P90, and I've stuck them in the config file and they work ingame, but I can't move. Is it possible to somehow implement this into the walking, running animations e.t.c, or do I have to make all new anims for every move on OFP just for my P90?

(The following is from Teacup's reply #27 on http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse/index.php?board=13;action=display;threadid=4694;start=15 )

Code: [Select]
class CfgMovesMC
   class Default {};
   class DefaultDie: Default {};
      class StandBase: Default {};

   class States
      class yourAnim: StandBase
         actions = StandTalkActions;
         speed = -12.0;
         duty = RestDuty;
         connectFrom[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1};
         connectTo[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1};

I have done this but I cannot move, so I am guessing that I need to replace Stand e.t.c with a movement.

* Is it possible to move the gun proxy in OFPAnim, so I can have my P90 in the right place, and is it possible to see my P90 in OFPAnim?

Thanks, TMan10K


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Re:Custom anims and usage
« Reply #1 on: 12 Oct 2003, 03:37:44 »

This post has a quite a few examples:


Let us know how you get on.


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Re:Custom anims and usage
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2003, 16:52:22 »
The animations work, but I want them to be usable, or is this impossible and I'm stuck with the hardcoded ones?
I want to have my own walking, running ones e.t.c, but seeing as no-one else has done this, I am assuming it is not possible.

If you don't undertsand what I'm getting at, I am trying to make animations which the player can control, like running, aiming e.t.c.


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Re:Custom anims and usage
« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2003, 23:15:35 »
Ohh..I though there were more than just standing anims in the post I gave you to, should have double checked.

As there are precious little examples posted by others when it comes to anims, you may have to figure it out yourself. A good place to start would be to look at how the defualt OFP move anims are defined.

But again, let us know how you get on. The more info on this subject, the better.


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Re:Custom anims and usage
« Reply #4 on: 13 Oct 2003, 00:27:28 »
I've extracted the animations from Anim.pbo, and this has everything. I have been looking through a few, and I thought it would be a bit helpful to list a few, so if people need an anim, they can look here rather than wading through a big fat list of Czech.  ;)

I may update this list every now and then when I find more.

Crouching Reload               - klEknaBIJ.rtm
Prone Reload      - PLIZENINABIJ.rtm
Stand -> Binocs      - sDALEK.rtm
Binocs -> Stand      - sDALEK2.rtm
Crouch -> Stand      - klekdostani.rtm


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Re:Custom anims and usage
« Reply #5 on: 13 Oct 2003, 22:04:20 »
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2003, 22:04:42 by Unnamed »