Okay, I've read the Command Refs, run through the tutorials and FAQ's and ploughed through the forums - there are a still a lot of seemingly simple things I still don't know the answer to. So here is a selection of things that I am seeking answers to from the group.
And if I DID just overlook the answers in the references somehow please forgive me !
First - what is the correct syntax for multiple parameters for an "if . . . then" statement ? Is it - "? a: x, y, z", "? a: {x; y; z}", "? a: [x; y; z]" or something else ? I thought that the last answer was the "correct" way then I went through a bunch of posted scripts and it looks like the first way is the standard. Help !
Second - Is there any way of knowing which commands work in which version of the game ? For instance - I asked for help on a script and was told to use the setVelocity command, which after some effort I discovered does NOT work in version 1.46 (my version).
I was thinking about making a "While . . . Do" loop but am not sure if it will work. Help !
Third - Is there any way of finding out the identity of the nearest player character ? Sort of a nearestObject for players ? I want to make a script that links an object to the nearest player and need some way of finding out who that is. Help !
Fourth - When an action is run who is it that actually runs the action ? In other words - if I make an object and addaction to it, then a player walks up to it and runs the action to whom would "this" refer ? I want to write a script ("Pitch Tent") that creates a "Tent" object and removes the "Pitch Tent" action from the player. The Tent will have its own associated action - "Pack up Tent" which removes the Tent and adds the "Pitch Tent" action back to the packing player. Help !
Fifth - Is there any way of finding out which commands are related to each other ? For example - skipTime and accTime. It would be really helpful if there was some way of knowing all the ways that you can make a loop, modify a characters behaviour or whatever. Help !
Sixth - Is there anywhere that I can find a tree diagram of every class in the game ? For example - a Vulcan is of Class M113, which is of Class APC (?), which is of Class Vehicle etc. What are the classes ? Is a buidling a vehicle or vice versa ? Some of the commands noted in the Command Ref say that they only work on vehicles (eg setVelocity) - so what's a vehicle ? Some only work on flammable objects (eg inFlame) - so what is a flammable object ? Help !
That's about it for now. I LOVE scripting and the resources are fantastically helpful, but because they weren't written from the ground up some fundamentals are missing (eg - syntax for compound "if . . . then" statements) and there is no summary of many of the "things" in the game (eg Classes).
Note though that the above is definitely not a criticism (I can tell how much of this was built on the love of a few selfless individuals and I thank you all profusely !!) - just a call from the wild by a perplexed and anxious scripter.