Has anyone had trouble with the recent controllable square parachute and a round controllable reserve parachute addons by 21vb. I followed the instructions in the readme file however the script does not work. Does not make any sense to me. Here it is...
To make this addon usable, you must make your own mission (or edit a mission) and either make a txt-file named INIT.SQS, which should be placed in the missionfolder, or, in the editor, add a single line in the init-field of the soldier(s) which are supposed to use this addon.
If you put the line in the INIT.SQS file, all human players will be able to use the addon.
Copy the line below and insert:
[] exec "\21vbGlider\script\paradrop.sqs"
Where does paradrop.sqs come from, when it says to call it init.sqs. Tried same thing in the init-field of soldier and it does same thing. Does not work!! Any ideas?