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Author Topic: Music  (Read 881 times)

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« on: 02 Oct 2003, 08:38:40 »
Well, I'm a newbie at map editing (as some of you might know by now). How can I convert music to whatever file  type that is required for it to be played in OFP, and then how do I add it to my missions?



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« Reply #1 on: 02 Oct 2003, 09:04:57 »
There's a tutorial in the editors depot called "adding music to your mission". It seems to cover the topic pretty well so have a look.


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« Reply #2 on: 03 Oct 2003, 01:02:42 »
If you want a basic way to add music without having to read a lengthy or complicated tutorial, then here it is...

OFP only recognizes sounds and music in .ogg format. If you want to add your own music, you will probably need a music converter. I found a very popular one among editors to be dBpowerAMP Music Converter. (found here: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm )

In a nutshell:
1) You need to convert your music file to .ogg
2) You need to make a music folder for your mission and put that .ogg file into it.
3) You need to edit your mission's description.ext (if your mission has no description.ext file yet, you need to create one, then edit it through notepad) so the game knows your music is there.

Here is an example of the music section of a description.ext I pulled out of one of my missions where I added a song called Adios:

class CfgMusic
    tracks[]={ Adios};
    class Adios

I'm not going to get into what all those seperate commands mean, a tutorial could explain it much better than I. This is just the 'quick and dirty' way of adding your own song.

Step 1) Convert your song to .ogg format. (Bit Rate: 64 Kbps, Encoding: Constant Bitrate, Frequency: 44100 Hz)

Step 2) Save your .ogg into a folder called 'Music' in your mission's folder (OFP/users/YourUserName/Missions/YouMission'sName/Music). I always name the .ogg file the same as the song, to make things a little simpler (the song's name is Adios and my music file's name is Adios.ogg).

Step 3) Copy/Paste the entire example cfgMusic (all the bold stuff) into your mission's description.ext (OFP/users/YourUserName/Missions/YourMission'sName/description.ext)
If there is no description.ext file, create one and use notepad or such to edit it.

Step 4) Substitute every Adios in the cfgMusic to your song's name. (this will ONLY work if you named your .ogg the same name as your song)

Step 5) Make sure there is only ONE section in your description.ext file that says class cfgMusic. If there is another, it needs to be deleted.

Step 6) Save the description.ext file.

Now you should be able to select your song from the songlist inside of triggers.

Please realize, this is just a quick way to add a single song to your map without having to read an actual tutorial. If you decide to read a tutorial, it would be greatly beneficial to you if you plan on adding songs in the future. There are many ways to manipulate your music I did not get into here that a tutorial would explain.

Hope it helps. If you have any questions, problems, or if anything here is unclear, let me know.
« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2003, 06:51:14 by -Omega- »