Welcome to the forums, Wildebeest
When you use a user added action (ie. when the player clicks on it) it actually passes two variables to the script.
These variables are:
- The unit/object the action was assigned to
- The unit that activated the action
So, using a line like this:
? (_this select 1) !=
aP: exit
You could make the script exit if any unit besides
aP activates the action.
Other players could still click the action, but the script won't activate for them...
That's the best thing I can think of... as far as I know there is no way of making it so the action doesn't show up unless you are a specific player. Unless you remove the action if another player is near... but that means
aP won't be able to use it either...
Anyway, hopefully that will help you out a bit
I can barely type with dese fdat fingers ;D[/edit]