As Gen Coder stated, you cant disable the respawn system, but what you can do is have the players relocated to a Out of the way place after they have respawned so many times
In the system below, you stipulate how many times you want to allow a player to respawn by giving "REVIVE" a value, in this case 3 (3 respawns allowed)
If you want to change this in future missions, you simply change the revive value in the init.sqs and therefore dont need to change anything in the script
In this system when the player is reborn for the 4th time he is relocated to the position of the empty marker called "Prison", his weapons are removed and then he sees a cutscene of himself and is frozen, hence cannot play anymore
There are other possibilities, if its a coop its more interesting to have these imprisoned players run the "Spectator" script where they can choose a cam following a player that is still in the game. The spectator script will be on OPfpec somewhere
NB>> it's a good idea to always have glocal variable values declared in the init.sqs, then if you ever want to change a setting, you simply need to edit the Init.sqs, nothing else, this makes things easier when beta testing etc
In the init.sqs type the following
[]exec "Respawn.sqs"
I take it this mission is to be run on a dedicated server, if so create a gamelogic named "Server", its location isn't important
?(local server):exit is used to stop the server running the respawn script, you just want players to run it
Create an empty marker named "Prison" and place it on an island well away from the fighting
and then create the following script in notepad and save it as "Respawn.sqs"
?(local server):exit
@ !alive player
@ alive player
goto "START"
removeAllWeapons player
player setPos (getmarkerpos "Prison")
_pos = getpos player
showcinemaborder true
_camera = "camera" camCreate _pos
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]
_camera camSetTarget player
_camera camSetRelPos [1,1,1.25]
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera
@time>= param1
player switchCamera "INTERNAL"
Player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
camDestroy _camera
showcinemaborder false
Veh Respawn, search the Ofpec editors depot for vehicle respawn scripts, there are numerous
Depbo any halo map to see how they respawn in the air with parachutes