Well, I got it, and it works beautifully. Thanks a lot. Here's the final script in case you'd care to see it.
;Thanks to Viriato for making the bombs fall correctly and LCD for incorporating the script into the radio
;OFP v1.85
;1 Pilot named "strikePilot"
;1 Trigger (Activation: Radio Alpha, Repeatedly. Text: Air Strike. On Activation: onMapSingleClick {[_pos] exec "airstrike.sqs"}; strikePilot sideChat "Give me the coordinates")
onMapSingleClick {}
1 setRadioMsg "Null"
_pos = _this select 0
"Target" setMarkerPos _pos
"Target" setMarkerType "destroy"
strikepilot sidechat "Roger"
strikepilot sidechat "Bombs Away"
_Bomb = "LaserGuidedBomb" camCreate [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,1000]
_Bomb setvelocity [0,0,-200]
?alive _Bomb:goto "loop"
"target" setMarkerType "empty"
strikePilot sideChat "Ready"
1 setRadioMsg "Air Strike"
Maybe later I'll try to make it work with the laser designator, so I can cause some REAL death and destruction