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Author Topic: OFP Map grids Help  (Read 860 times)

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OFP Map grids Help
« on: 09 Jul 2003, 15:51:51 »
Cheers All,
Tooling around with Visitor (like everyone else), and have created a map and have gotten it into the game, no problemo. However, opening the map in the Editor only shows a portion of the overall map (a rather small one at that, must be like a few klicks across side to side) and no grid lines.

What am I missing? I used the cppwriter to create the .cpp file for the map.
Any help would be appreciated (and I have looked/searched the forums under map/grids/etc).




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Re:OFP Map grids Help
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2003, 17:18:52 »

Noone has even one idea?  :'(

I've been able to create a fairly decent map (terrain and texture phase) and get it into the game without a problem. It shows up in the Editor with gridlines and map coordinates and all. So whats the deal with the other one? I used the same process and tools.

Oh well,