Hi all. Okay, so I'm near to completing a mission and I'm using a combination of David Berka's helidrop and heli4drop scripts with (coyote- altered) Paradrop script. Now I tested this on a plain desert map where it worked great over and over. I even have a backup cargo-drop trigger if the heli gets damaged, thanks to some of u guys.
I then set all of this up in the mission , only changing the names of the vehicles and troops involved. I decided to setFuel 0 for all the helis and vehicles involved. When a trigger goes off, the helis get setpos'ed and fueled and are on their way, troops and cargo in tow. When I first started testing it , it all worked great. I even had it all in one trigger for each heli :
vehicle setFuel 1; release1 = 1; [Echo, heli] exec "paradrop.sqs"First chopper tested great each time. Then I added other 2 and they worked . Then suddenly, It was really random whether the vehicles would drop or troops would eject. I then tried separate triggers for each event (fuel, vehicle drop, troop eject) , set the timers to 0 and got rid of my heli-damage triggers. I have tried rebooting the game, rebooting the PC , I've tried preview in both regular mission editor and MP mission Editor and now am just frustrated out of my gourd.
Anyone have experience with these scripts in using multiple choppers? I now even have a separate script for each chopper and corresponding release numbers.
here are the scripts:
; helidrop script by David Berka (David.Berka@nmi.at)
_heli = _this select 0
_car = _this select 1
_chute = _this select 2
_heliPos = getPos _heli
_heliPosX = _heliPos select 0
_heliPosY = _heliPos select 1
_heliPosZ = _heliPos select 2
_chutePos = getPos _chute
_chutePosX = _chutePos select 0
_chutePosY = _chutePos select 1
_chutePosZ = _chutePos select 2
_chute setPos [_chutePosX, _chutePosY, 300]
_car setPos [_heliPosX, _heliPosY, _heliPosZ - 5]
_heading = getDir _heli
_car setDir _heading
? (release1 == 1) : goto "Drop"
goto "Update"
_chute setDir _heading
_carPos = getPos _car
_carPosX = _carPos select 0
_carPosY = _carPos select 1
_carPosZ = _carPos select 2
_chute setPos [_carPosX, _carPosY, _heliPosZ - 18]
_chutePos = getPos _chute
_chutePosX = _chutePos select 0
_chutePosY = _chutePos select 1
_chutePosZ = _chutePos select 2
_car setPos [_chutePosX, _chutePosY, _chutePosZ - 3]
? (_chutePosZ > 3) : goto "DropUpdate"
; heli4drop script by David Berka (David.Berka@nmi.at)
_heli = _this select 0
_car = _this select 1
_chute1 = _this select 2
_chute2 = _this select 3
_chute3 = _this select 4
_chute4 = _this select 5
_heliPos = getPos _heli
_heliPosX = _heliPos select 0
_heliPosY = _heliPos select 1
_heliPosZ = _heliPos select 2
_chute1Pos = getPos _chute1
_chute1PosX = _chute1Pos select 0
_chute1PosY = _chute1Pos select 1
_chute1PosZ = _chute1Pos select 2
_chute1 setPos [_chute1PosX, _chute1PosY, 300]
_chute2Pos = getPos _chute2
_chute2PosX = _chute2Pos select 0
_chute2PosY = _chute2Pos select 1
_chute2PosZ = _chute2Pos select 2
_chute2 setPos [_chute2PosX, _chute2PosY, 300]
_chute3Pos = getPos _chute3
_chute3PosX = _chute3Pos select 0
_chute3PosY = _chute3Pos select 1
_chute3PosZ = _chute3Pos select 2
_chute3 setPos [_chute3PosX, _chute3PosY, 300]
_chute4Pos = getPos _chute4
_chute4PosX = _chute4Pos select 0
_chute4PosY = _chute4Pos select 1
_chute4PosZ = _chute4Pos select 2
_chute4 setPos [_chute4PosX, _chute4PosY, 300]
_car setPos [_heliPosX, _heliPosY, _heliPosZ - 5]
_heading = getDir _heli
_car setDir _heading
? (release2 == 2) : goto "Drop"
goto "Update"
_chute1 setDir _heading
_chute2 setDir _heading
_chute3 setDir _heading
_chute4 setDir _heading
_carPos = getPos _car
_carPosX = _carPos select 0
_carPosY = _carPos select 1
_carPosZ = _carPos select 2
_chute1 setPos [_carPosX + 1.5, _carPosY - 1.5, _heliPosZ - 18]
_chute2 setPos [_carPosX + 1.5, _carPosY + 1.5, _heliPosZ - 18]
_chute3 setPos [_carPosX - 1.5, _carPosY + 1.5, _heliPosZ - 18]
_chute4 setPos [_carPosX - 1.5, _carPosY - 1.5, _heliPosZ - 18]
_chute1Pos = getPos _chute1
_chute1PosX = _chute1Pos select 0
_chute1PosY = _chute1Pos select 1
_chute1PosZ = _chute1Pos select 2
_car setPos [_chute1PosX, _chute1PosY, _chute1PosZ - 3]
_chute2 setPos [_chute1PosX, _chute1PosY + 3, _chute1PosZ]
_chute3 setPos [_chute1PosX - 3, _chute1PosY + 3, _chute1PosZ]
_chute4 setPos [_chute1PosX - 3, _chute1PosY, _chute1PosZ]
? (_chute1PosZ > 3) : goto "DropUpdate"
; Modified From Rapple.sqs by: Mustang60348
; Modified by: the[]coyote
; This script calls two parameters: the name of the group to paradrop
; and the name of the helicopter to paradrop from. Syntax is:
; [groupname, heliname] exec "Paradrop.sqs"
; In order to use the script, place a trigger where you want to paradrop to start from.
; In the Actvation field type: [groupname, heliname] exec "Paradrop.sqs"
; Once the trigger is activated, the helicopter will drop one paratrooper per second until
; all units in the group are in the skies. Personally, I make the helo stay at limited
; speed and no less than 100 height for safety of the paratroops.
_Group = _this select 0
_Vehicle = _this select 1
_listunits = units _Group
_A = 0
_B = count _listunits
_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]
Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)
?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"
MoveNext = TRUE