I found this in a Red Hammer mission, (AMBUSH) the script is called skiptime.sqs:
enableradio false
setacctime 1
_time = _this select 0
_counter = 0
p1pos = getpos p1
p2pos = getpos p2
p3pos = getpos p3
p4pos = getpos p4
p5pos = getpos p5
titleCut ["","BLACK OUT",1]
disableuserinput true
p1 stop true
p2 stop true
p3 stop true
p4 stop true
p5 stop true
;ap setbehaviour "safe"
;ap switchmove "EffectStandSitDown"
;p1 switchmove "EffectStandSitDown"
;p2 switchmove "EffectStandSitDown"
;p1 setbehaviour "careless"
;p2 setbehaviour "careless"
;AP SETPOS [4927.53,7083.13,0]
;P1 SETPOS [4923.71,7086.47,0]
;P2 SETPOS [4923.2,7079.46,0]
;ap setdir 270
;p1 setdir 180
;p2 setdir 0
titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]
_camera = "camera" camCreate [-89784.22,7493.73,-8681.15]
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]
titleCut ["","BLACK IN",1]
fire1 setdir 270
_camera camSetTarget fire1
_camera camSetRelPos [0,-3,0.2]
_camera camSetFOV 1.00
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera
skiptime 7
_time = _time - 420
skiptime (1/60)
?_counter<= _time:goto"start"
HQ sideradio "warning"
playsound "alarm"
fire1 inflame false
disableuserinput false
p1 stop false
p2 stop false
p3 stop false
p4 stop false
p5 stop false
;ap playmove"SitDownToStand"
;p1 switchmove"SitDownToStand"
;p2 switchmove"SitDownToStand"
;p2 switchmove ""
;p1 switchmove ""
;p1 setbehaviour "combat"
;p2 setbehaviour "combat"
;titletext["Get to you positions guys",""]
player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]
camDestroy _camera
;p1 setpos p1pos
;p2 setpos p2pos
gowarning = true
enableradio true
Copy & Paste ;D... You might want to modify it a little...