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Author Topic: help me i become crazy  (Read 933 times)

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help me i become crazy
« on: 16 May 2003, 05:25:47 »
Hello all im the nearly crazy guy....

When i use WarpEdit i have a prob:

some of addons i have only display an empty folder when i try to add an object to my map.

i tried to use the ADD+ button and had the new addon folder without the "\"  at the begining of path but the folder is still empty nothing is displayed.And this happens for all my addons (and some addons i took somewhere).

my addons are binarized,they work in the mission editor and game(i guess this means my config.cpp is correct) and i even try to use objects from the demo but nothing works :-[
Maybe its an O2 prob dunno....
plz answer i read all topics on this forum and the only one about that prob has no answer....I'd like to know why the folders are displayed empty with the addobject command in WarpEdit...
lolo ;D


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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2003, 16:16:23 »
COM'ON! Help this guy!!! I have the same problem too.
I'm a newbie at WrpEdit, i'm buried in doubts and this is one of them.

@ lolo

Which .pbo are you trying to check for addons?
Cuz O.pbo (Resistance) cannot be viewed if you don't edit it with a HEX editor... There's a topic outthere that explains how to do it.

But if your problem is related with common addons... then you'll realy need help, because i have the same probs and don't know how to solve them.



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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #2 on: 16 May 2003, 19:45:05 »
i used the modified O.pbo with no problems,but for my addons even if i use the WarpEdit pbo manager it still shows an empty directory :-\ and i tried to ad it without the "\" at the begining of the path....
And my addons are binarized...


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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #3 on: 16 May 2003, 21:46:53 »
have you tried adding it...
then selecting a different folder..
then selecting the addon folder you want to add into your map?

sounds weird but try it out ;)

If we're thinking of the same little problem this little fix should work for you... I've added a few addon objects to my island so far and plan on adding more as it gets closer to completion....



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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #4 on: 16 May 2003, 22:31:10 »
yes i tried btw do u use Makepbo to compress ur object folder or stuffpbo?


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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #5 on: 21 May 2003, 12:01:18 »
You shall only use the Make.pbo (by Amalfi, i think), that one won't give you any problems.


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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #6 on: 21 May 2003, 16:11:51 »
LOL Mormel for me the prob came precisely from Makepbo by amalfi....

I recompressed my addons with PboTool(i dont remember the author soz)
and then it was perfect in WarpEdit i can now use my addons at will....

Haha amazing prog world what seems to work for u dont work for me ;)

As i said i use pboTool and it works fine as my addons are binarized.
Althought i know Make pbo is a great prog (i use it for my addons and campaigns) my prob was this prog....For  addons i want to use in WarpEdit i now use pboTool...
and thx Mormel thx Kalyuga for helping....


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Re:help me i become crazy
« Reply #7 on: 21 May 2003, 18:21:53 »
I use Stuff-pbo most of the time...never had a problem