:-\ Well I have a rather weird problem.
I am using a C-130 Hercules addon and I want to include it into a mission I am making as paratroopers platform
I have three squads (assault1 to 3) in there that are parachuting out at a certain WP.
I have a paradrop script with a delay on the guys and all and it works ok, they jump out in a nice sequenze...but,
When the C-130 (called cplane) reaches the paradrop waypoint it suddenly makes a rather akward banking turn, which in itself is not really a problem.
The men however (every squad has a Move and Seek and Destroy WP for their mission after the drop) DO NOT go to their WP's, instead the run into the wrong direction, away from them.
After approximatly 5 minutes they suddenly turn around and DO go to where they should be, but of course all this looks and is silly.
The script I am using is:
; local variables for [plane,group1,group2,group3] exec "script.sqs"
_cplane = _this select 0;
_team1 = _this select 1;
_team2 = _this select 2;
_team3 = _this select 3;
; wait until whole squad is out
_guys = units _team1 + units _team2 + units _team3;
_A = 0;
"unassignvehicle _x" foreach _guys;
_listunits = _guys;
_B = count _listunits
_listunits select _A action [ejc,_cplane];
?(_B > _A): goto "WAITING"
It is called eject.sqs and it is triggered with the line in the "on activation" box on the C-130's WP where the drop needs to commence like this:
[cplane,assault1,assault2,assault3] exec "eject.sqs";
Could there be anything I overlooked or that I could add to make them follow their waypoints after parachuting?
Or could this just be caused by a flaw in the addon plane.
I did try the same thing with the Antonov addon and the result is similar. Maybe someone has experienced this before??
Any thoughts on this would be highly appreciated