If you used stringTable.csv, you could pre-arrange any number of strings and then just pass the number reference as a single variable. Could also just define strings as variables for everyone, such as:
stringOne = "Bunker"
stringTwo = "Farmhouse"
stringThree = "Roadblock"
Then make an array..
stringArray = [stringOne,stringTwo,stringThree]
And publicVariable the string reference..
stringRef = 1; publicVariable "stringRef"
showString = true; publicVariable "showString"
With a script to capture it..
hint format["I am near the %1", (stringArray select stringRef)]
Which comes out as "I am near the Farmhouse".
Look at BIS missions for examples of "localize" and "stringtable.csv".
And sending a string character-by-character would require a declared variable for each character, not something I'd want to do