Hey Makabi!
#1. For a soldier:
this addmagazine magazinename; this addweapon weaponname; this addmagazine magazinenameThe order is important because this order makes the weapon start loaded and ready to solve any problem in the form of a 5-7 foot flesh mass. (human)
For binocs and nv goggles its always:
this addweapon itemname#2-6
Explore the wonders of the ofpec world and check out the editors depot.. It's up there ^^..
Check out the
command section and find the switchmove section..
The switchmove command will achieve most of these things.. Also try a search on these specific questions in the forum, because I know I've seen them answered before and recently.
(If you still can't find somethin let me know)
It all depends on what you're talking about.. If it's a command activated by a trigger, you add time to the triggers countdown, if it's a command in a script you use ~ and then the number of seconds...
Hope that helps! Have fun editing!
P.S. Before adding weapons and ammo, you will probably want to clear their weapons... If so, use:
removeallweapons this in the unit's on activation field.