I know I'm something of a bastard for posting this here. This should be in the ideas section, but nobody gives a sod about those really it seems. I was just wondering if anyone has converted Skumball's airstrike script for multiplayer use. Not just camcreate however functionality for one side only, that's important because really it renders the whole thing pointless if east/west/res can wrestle for control over the damn thing. I'm getting better at this whole script business only I'm not sure how to do either of those, since apparently camcreate doesn't work well in MP and there's some process you have to go through to make it compatible.
Oh and does anyone know how to make markers appear for only one side? I'm trying to make ghost dog's awacs script for a multiplayer adversarial mission and I'd be grateful for assistance as I'm in need of some help if anyone is up to it.