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Author Topic: is there a tuturial on how to add the handgun proxy to a pre-resistance unit?  (Read 1149 times)

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it would be of great help, i want to have some pre-resistance spec-ops units
carry a side weapon, a step by step tute would be of great help

Offline Ranger

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I assume you want to add a handgun to a non-resistance unit, but while still running OFP: Resistance.  Is this correct?

If not, then you cannot use handguns without running OFP:R.

If that is correct, then you add the handgun just as you do any other weapon, with the addWeapon and addMagazine commands.

Let's say you have a unit that you want to give a Beretta M9.  You would add the following code to the unit's initialization field:

this addMagazine "berettamag"; this addMagazine "berettamag"; this addMagazine "berettamag"; this addMagazine "berettamag"; this addWeapon "beretta"

This gives him 4 M9 magazines, and the M9 pistol.  All you need to know is the name of the pistol and magazine, and you can add the weapon just as you would a primary weapon.


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yes i want to add the beretta to a unit while running resistance, however it seems that some units made before resistance dont seem to accept the addweapon "beretta" command and i have found that you have to edit the .p3d file by adding a "handgun proxy" and then pbo'ing it again am i right?

Offline Black_Feather

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yeah you are right I think, I'll move it to oxygen editing.

Offline Ranger

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Ohhhhh!  That's what you mean! Sorry, I misundestood what your issue was.  In any event, I think you're right that you have add the proxy.  Then again, I've never tried that before, so I'm not really sure if there's another way to do it.