2 hours of re inserting and excessive swearing have seemed to get my cd drive to work again, i swear, there must be some sort of hyper intellegent ai in there trying to send me over the egde, every damn time i need to use the thing... *CLUNK.... FIZZZzzzrrr..... AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! READ THE BLOODY CD DAMINT!!!!" ahem, anyway, im working on my Yuri units, like the mind control, psycic blast and brute units. at the mo, the yuri unit can follow your guy, and when he is in range takes over the mind or frazzles the guys brain with a psycic blast. looks pretty dam funny, seeing the enemy completley rigid slowly burning internally, ehehehe. anyway, quick question, i want the unit to attack the enemy in a rang of about 20, so how can i set the name for the unit in range to "victim"? like-
?(yuri Distance west <= 30):titletext ["Look, another drone...", "plain down"]; (changename west to victim)
the last part wont work, but it shows what i want to happen to the "West" unit in range, so the next part will be-
yuri playmove ("psycic blast anaimation, any suggestions?")
victim switchmove "fxangel"
and flames are sterted in the victim to eventually burn him, but u see what i mean, i want the closest westerner unit to be renamed "victim"so i can use him in the script, or any similar suggestions would be helpfull.
also will the "join" command work on the enemy to make him gor from west to east or vice versa? heh, i really need to remeber this stuff