Basically what I am trying to do is make a cutscene where the cam is focussed upon a target, and a sniper in the distance fires when told to and kills the target, or at least make it seem like this is happening.
Below are the commands I have tried to use to get the sniper to fire upon his target. I have tried them but they do not whether in any order or combination work correctly everytime, ie sometimes he doesn't fire, sometimes he fores a few seconds aftewr and usually misses
sniper doWatch man
sniper doTarget man
aniper doFire man
sniper fire ["SVDDragunov", "SVDDragunov"]
sniper setCombatMode "YELLOW"
If there is no way around this, I would like to have a sniperrifle firing sound play and do a 'man setDammage 1' on the target to kill him at the right time. I am unsure how to play sounds that are already in the game, so is there a list of in-game strings that correspond to sounds that I would have to load into my map to use, or is there any other way?
Oh yeah, what would be nice is to implement a sniper crosshair view as seen in the first level of resistance, if anyone coule help me there too. ;D
Oh yeah another thing
, how do I get my officer with binoculars to take them out and hold them out while lying down?? Ive tried the 'officer playmove LyingToBinocsLying' command, but he puts them away as soon as he takes them out.....
phew :-\