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Author Topic: Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon  (Read 1204 times)

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Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« on: 03 Jan 2003, 11:30:44 »
- I recently downloaded Bibmi's Royal Marines  Version: 1.0  

- I can access them in mission editor, they work fine etc


- They permenantly have a flash infront of their gun, as if they are firing. Even when I am a marine, all the marine weapons (SA80, LSW etc) have a white flash always, even when dead!

- I think the marines look really cool + I wanna use them in my missions, but this flash ruins it! I was wondering if any could help me out here! ?  

This also occurs with Skaven's Pakistani Infantary, but not the East German soldiers which were made many months ago.......is this something only recent addons do, and only specifically to my version of Ofp !?  


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Re:Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jan 2003, 11:38:52 »
That's because they were made for the 1.46
version, now they need to be upgraded to Resistance.
All new modes made before Resistance came out, will have that problem, they need to have the CfgModels defined, so the game knows they are custom made models, that will fix the problem in all of them, search the forum you'll see how you can fix it.


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Re:Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« Reply #2 on: 03 Jan 2003, 11:43:28 »
Ok thx, u replied quickly! But if this is the case, then why are the East German soldiers, one of the first units to come out, fine?


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Re:Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« Reply #3 on: 03 Jan 2003, 11:46:40 »
do they use the standard bis weapons? then they wont be affected...


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Re:Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« Reply #4 on: 03 Jan 2003, 11:49:10 »
 :) oh yeah! course they do!  :) You've just mad everything make a LOT more sense!  :) :)

Which forum do I search? I've checked a couple, as well as the actual addon depot, and neither of them tells new ppl like me   :( how tosolve this problem


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Re:Problems with Skaven's + Bimbi's Addon
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jan 2003, 11:49:51 »
okay here's what' cha do!

DePBO the addon find the Config.cpp file (Some addons come with the CPP in the zip file un PBOed with them) find the name of the weapons p3d file, then at the bottom of the CPP file type

class CfgModels
class Default {};
class Weapon: Default {};
class name of .p3d: Weapon {};

don't write .p3d just write M16 for M16.p3d then simply replace the old CPP with the new one (I'd hang on to the old one incase some thing goes FUBAR) and RePBO it with PBO tool or some thing of the sort, and there ya go! completely compatable with v.1.75, but it isn't back wards compatable, sooo...
hope that helps  ;)
« Last Edit: 06 Jan 2003, 11:51:11 by PunkerSXDX »