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Author Topic: The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)  (Read 3269 times)

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As some of you might or might not know, OFPinternals have stopped or at least posponed the development of WRPedit. :'(
I had got suspicious a few months ago when they didn't reply to my question: When is the next version coming out?

It was a shock to me and am disappointed. :(  Now there's no hope of a copy and paste function. >:( Hours of placing vegetation... :P
Apparently they stopped because they were working on the MOD or something that they are involved in.

However, I would like to thank them for this great tool, despite it's flaws. :)

What do you think?
Waterman. :-\

(I found this info on the official forums, so I'm not 100% sure, but I'm almost certain.)
« Last Edit: 09 Dec 2002, 21:57:58 by Waterman »

Offline Planck

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Re:ATTENTION! - the WRPedit project has stopped! (I think...)
« Reply #1 on: 06 Dec 2002, 22:28:51 »
To the best of my knowledge the project is 'on hold' for an indefinite period.

I don't think it has been abandoned.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Garcia

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well, as someone at OFPINternals said "They don't know for how long they won't work on their tools. It will be from 1-36 month before they start again" or something  :P

Anyway, this is REALLY bad news for everyone who uses WRPedit :( cause the WRPedit we got now is good, but, well, it needs much more(that's why it's in BETA i guess)
So, my only hope is that the guy who made WRPutils will come up with something to place trees with too ::)


(also waiting for the new WRPutils were he have fixed a bug ::))


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Sorry! :P I knew it was one of them. (Check title now...)

But still, It's bad news.  I was looking forward to seeing it, but I don't think I will personally, because I will probably stop WRPediting after I finished Skye, as it's taking up too much of my time... :-\ (That was a long sentance! :o) I'll probably wait for OFP2 after Skye is done and The Everon Cartel MOD is complete. :)

Waterman. :)

Nasty Buttler

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WTF, i cant believe someone could drop something that is so fundemental to the gaming comunity. They have decided to follow every other dick and harry in pursuit to putting every gun and truck under the sun into the game (not that that is a bad thing). I have finished the first phase of putting in forrests and bridges....i was about to get started on road placement (yuk). I love what they did for us with WrpEdit, and the idea is good, but not to finish it is a crime....Im really disapointed with the fact that they abandon every single person that has worked on making maps with that program...I cant wait for them to do 30% on that MOD (they wont finish it, so dont get your hopes up) of theres and put it straight into the BIN folder cause its just not up to scratch...

There are 100's of MODs being worked on, if i had created something so profound like WrpEdit there is know way in hell i would just leave the comunity in the lurch like that.....

This is one very peeved Nasty Buttler signing off.

Offline Planck

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Nobody has said they have abandoned their project or the community.

So let's not jump to conclusions that cannot be backed up with facts.

They have had trouble with their hosting service and consequently their site is down, coupled with the fact that they are busy with work and quite free to devote any spare time to whatever activity takes their fancy.

Whatever the reason for slowing or halting work on WrpEdit, or any of their projects, I'm sure it is relevant, at least to them.

If they were going to abandon their projects, I'm sure they would release a statement to that fact.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Wrpedit is a great prog, it took me a while to learn it but was worth every minute. Everyone should be glad that they did this for nothing. Who knows maybe they are working for BIS making Visitor suitable for public use. If Visitor was designed anything like Oxy then they need to polish it up.


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I agree with you Planck.  The only reason I posted this was to let people know not to expect to see the next version of WRPedit anytime soon, and that I was sad about it as I was looking foward to it. :(

I understand OFPinternals can do anything they want...
I also hope their server is back soon as it was very usefull to me.  
I wish I never started this now... :-X :P



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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #8 on: 09 Dec 2002, 23:02:51 »
 Well... here's my two cents.....  

Does there really need to be a new version?

Look at the three or four great islands that have been made so far with the beta version.....  

It works... and so what if it's hard or a little time consuming...  
isn't anything that's worth doing gonna be difficult or take alot of time and effort??  

Add cut/paste to the mix and you'll see everyone and their little brother make an island...  ;)
I remember when WRPedit first came out and everyone was going to make an island...  but once their short attention spans ran out the islands were scrapped or forgotten :P....

Now if it had been easier... we could possibly be up to our eyeballs :wow: in missions requiring some obscure island or another..

So... I say.. it's fine as is.. except for any bugs that are present.. :)

Hell.. I say make it harder to use ;D   but that's just me ;)


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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #9 on: 10 Dec 2002, 01:22:43 »
When I started learning I started too big. I have made an island with a land mass of almost 12km x 12km. Basicly all land. It has been about 3 weeks since I started and I'm not even close to beta yet. Even if they had more short cuts it would only save me maybe a week tops. It took me about a week to place my major forests.

If they come out with a new version I hope they manage to clear up the bugs with the preview mode and when moving an object with mouse.

Overall I am happy with the project that they have done. I would even donate some money to them for their hard work.

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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #10 on: 29 Dec 2002, 02:20:00 »
I am glad to hear its not dead, just dormant.

I do hope they get chance to get back to it soon as a couple of bugs still present are causing me headaches.

Many people thought that the OFP community would be flooded with islands.  I think many are realising that this has not happened and those that have come out are of good quality, and those that are yet to come out maybe better than expected.  I for one am still working on several terrains for both myself and the Falklands Mod.  its not easy and much patiance is required, but the end product is worth the wait I hope.

Wrpedit works, yes its got bugs but its useable and with skill and patiance you can produce great terrains.  A better wrpedit would be nice, but we can cope with what we have, we have learnt too.
CBF Shipbuilding

Offline Garcia

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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #11 on: 29 Dec 2002, 19:17:45 »
well, in ofp.info there's a lot of sucky islands...so thank god OFPEC don't do like they do, and put every island in the download section... ;D ;D



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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #12 on: 29 Dec 2002, 20:58:53 »
If they come out with a new version I hope they manage to clear up the bugs with the preview mode and when moving an object with mouse.

Just to let you now ppl in case you didn't already know you can move objects with the mouse. just hold alt then click on the object and drag it where you want it. I just found this out last night. it made road placement 100x easier :D. I haven't seen it posted anywhere so maybe only a few ppl know about it. I dunno oh well. ;D


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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #13 on: 29 Dec 2002, 21:14:17 »
I discovered it a bit later as well, but what I'm talking about is when you zoom in too far and objects do the teleportation to the side of the map thing.

Offline Garcia

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Re:The WRPedit project has been put on hold. (I think...)
« Reply #14 on: 30 Dec 2002, 15:59:56 »
emm, i think allmost everyone who have used WRPedit for a while know how to move objects with mouse... ;D
