that's for a briefing.html file tutorial by snYpir.
1. unitname moveincargo vehiclename will work
2. Make a chopper and name it as chopper. Make a trigger activated by radio alpha. Type in the triggers on activation field
choppergo = true. Place a waypoint right on top of the chopper and type in it's condition field
choppergo. Make a new
load waypoint for the chopper at a place where you want the pickup. Make a
get in waypoint for your group near the choppers
load waypoint. Synchronize them. Make a
transport unload waypoint for the chopper and a
get out waypoint for your group to a spot where you want to be dropped off.
3. Use this script for both 12 men groups individually or modify the script by typing in an array containing all the units in cargo.
_aunits = units [b]_groupname[/b]
_i = 0
_Max = count _aunits
(_aunits select _i) action ["EJECT",[b]choppername[/b]]
unassignvehicle (_aunits select _i)
?_Max>_i:goto "Here"
4. Make a radio trigger and put a
variable = true in it's 'on activation' field. Then make a group and a move waypoint right on top of it and type
variable to it's condition field. Make a second waypoint for the group to a place where you want them to move after the radio call.
5. group = this thing works by you typing in a groupleaders init field mygroup = group this. After done with it the group's name is mygroup.
To get a whole group perform an action try
"_x playmove {fxstanddip}" foreach units mygroup