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Author Topic: WAIT FOR OTHERS...huh?  (Read 665 times)

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« on: 23 Dec 2002, 17:55:15 »
I'm working on my first real mission, and I have waypoints set up for the player's group.  I also have conditions and synchronizations set for some of the waypoints, so that they don't complete until something else happens.

I have the waypoints named, so that a name appears next to the yellow square, like "Wait for Charlie Squad" for example.  However, when I get to within a certain distance (it seems to vary, but approximately 25m) of the waypoint when I'm playtesting, "Wait for Charlie Squad" changes to "WAIT FOR OTHERS"--obviously a standard hard-coded string from inside the game engine.  The waypoint stays in the same place; only the displayed name changes.

When Charlie Squad actually arrives, the name of the waypoint changes back to "Wait for Charlie Squad" for the barest instant, and then it disappears and the next waypoint shows up.

This only happens for conditioned or synchronized waypoints.

I'm assuming the change happens when the proximity is close enough that the waypoint would have been satisfied had it been unconditioned and unsynchronized, but the condition or sync keeps it active anyway.

I'd kind of like to have the name stay "Wait for Charlie Squad"--or whatever--but "WAIT FOR OTHERS" does tend to generally describe the situation, so it's not absolutely vital.

Does anyone know for sure what's going on?
