Heya PW! ;D
Well first I'd name your squads in their leaders init:
alpha = group this
bravo = group this
charlie = group this
Right, if you have 3 squads, you need 1 trigger for each in their fup. Remember to make it activate by the right side. Name them for example in the on act.:
alphalist = thislist
bravolist = thislist
charlielist = thislist
then make that 1 trigger that counts em all. It's condition:
("_x in alphalist" count (units alpha)) >= (1* count (units alpha)) && ("_x in bravolist" count (units bravo)) >= (1* count (units bravo)) && ("_x in charlielist" count (units charlie)) >= (1* count (units charlie))
Gee, what a long string... I'll go and try it out myself, just wrote that outta ma head.