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Author Topic: Animation Editor is out!!!  (Read 1343 times)

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Re:Animation Editor is out!!!
« Reply #1 on: 28 Dec 2002, 08:41:55 »
Here is a rough translation of the readme. I translated it at a translation website so some words are not translated.

Type orOFP-Anim v0.93 by Dschulle [AEF-CAMPAIGN: operation Phoenix]
------------------------------------------------------------  .  

Status: concrete-version

Animationen generally ---------------------.  OFP stores its models in *.p3d files.  These model files possess grasp so-called components (or Selections), this several areas or points under a name together.  So that the models can be animated, OFP stores the Animationen under the characteristic Fileformat *.rtm.  In this format, each Animationsschritt (frame) has must lie first a time statement (TimeStep), this between 0 and 1.  The TimeStep is multiplied then later with the total duration of the Animation (out of config or description).  In each frame, each component becomes and therewith each Vertex with a transformation matrix multiplied.  

OFP-Anim specially -----------------.  This version is located yet in the concrete-stage.  Commentaries, stimulations and criticism of: Dschulle@aef-kampagne.de

The following lines should represent a short introduction.  It is planned to bring out soon if possible a Tutorial.  

Generally presently only models can be loaded (MLOD format) out of Oxy or the demo.  Animationen (*.RTM) must also out of the normal game go.  

HINT: Hint's it to respective user areas become below to the left in the status strip indicated.  (LMB-left Mouse Button, RMB - Right Mouse Button)

To the beginning, it is to be loaded meaningfully first a model over the menu (Hauptmenü->File->Load Anim...)  Models that placed before a "mc_*" are "Motion Capture" -models.  With such a model, all Personenanims can be observed and worked.  (" mc vojake2.p3d" is in the Zip)

The Hauptinteraktion happens over the TreeView in the upper, left area: - through click on the eye, becomes the respective component un-/visibly made (effects, if yellow arrow on "Visible Components" stands) - an 'A'
in the Farbbox is named that the component in the Animation is used

With the slide next to the arrows, the notice of the Vertexes can on and turned off become.  

Over the right mouse key, a PopUpMenü stands to the decree.  

Now one should load an Animation over the menu (can later also out of the FileListBox selected werden(Window->FileBrowser)).  In the Zip, a Laufanimation (bezbeh. rtm) is.  After that best erstmal below to the left on Play.  Now the Animation in the 4 view windows should expire.  Stop Play.  

The single Animationsschritte can follow selected become how: 1) directly over the slides 2) through selection out of
the TimeStep-list 3) over the arrows next to "Selected" (shows the current Animationsschritt at)

To the Editierungsmöglichkeiten: --------------------------------.  DELETE deletes the current Animationsschritt INSERT ANUS..  Power a copy of the current Animationsschritt and joins deletes it behind the current a RESET the transformation
matrix of this frame (ATTENTION: no Undo possible!)  UNLOAD ANIMATION the current Animation is rejected generated is recommended a new Animation, in Personenanimationen to NEW ANIMATION to change an existing.  EDIT enables the Editieren of the
current frame

PIVOT and Linking -----------------.  OFPAnim controls Forward Kinematik.  That is, for each component it gives a local trick center = to Pivot (joints).  Moreover the relation can be indicated, in which the components connected together.  At the same time out of the insertion of the tree structure, the Hierachie arises.  

The Pivots can be moved in that one presses first "Change Pivots" and forgived then the little yellow cross in the 3 ISO-views in selektierter component and pressed SHIFT-key with the left mouse key.  

The Linking can be changed by Drag' n Drop within the tree, and/or over the Popup menu (Move one level up).  

After the changing, can these information then stored become.  (Save Pivots and Linking...)  If for a similar component (soldier) already under another name a Pivot is stored and Linking information, this can be loaded over "Load Pivots and Linking..."  (After that store do not forget)

EDIT ----.  In the pressing on Edit, 1 new Panel, that serves with 3 slides (X,Y,Z) for the Interaktion, comes.  

To the decree, 3 regulators stand for X, Y and Z.  What this cause hangs of the position of the darüberliegenden slide off, therefore either ROTATION or TRANSLATION.  As long as the regulator ausgelenkt become, the selektierten components shift and/or revolve.  

/ RELATIVELY indicates, which trick center is supposed to be used to the Button ABSOSULT.  In the position, each selected component RELATIVELY revolves around the Pivot of the up-to-date placed above, selektierten component.  In the trick center in the "world origin" is ABSOLUTE.  

In MOVE, all components selektiert should be.  (except one wants the arm ausreissen;))

One made a coarse mistake, one can the selected components zurücksetzen over RESTORE.  

If the frames is finished, it is supposed with APPLY CHANGES or is rejected with CANCEL.  

One has an Anim ready, it can be stored over SAVE ACE... in the menu..  

"Totally Move" indicates, how much the model moves altogether wärend of the entire Animation into which direction, (if x, y, z = 0, moves the Animation on the place).  

Comments -----------.  The models must become actual around a minimal Offset korregiert.  This can be found out in Oxy over country mark (1 Vertex).  This must be input actually in "Modelloffset from center".  (Sees however also so ok out of?!)  

So long..  


************************************* * Special THX 2 OFPInternals 4 Help *


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Re:Animation Editor is out!!!
« Reply #2 on: 28 Dec 2002, 12:16:19 »
There is already a topic started on this here.