Firstly here is the overview
New map type called Escape & Evasion
I am trying to create a template as i make this map, much like Tacticians C&H and Karillions CTF
The game
West has 2 groups
Group A = Escapees (6)
Group B = Rescue Party (2)
East=The hunters (24)
Group A (Escapees) initially spawn at their helicopter crash site and have to make it from enemy territory to the border (Triggered Area)
They spawn all carrying flags (Camouflaged flags), if they make it to the border, they score X points.
If East kills them, and takes the flag, East scores Y points
(Havent yet decided if east have to go to a trigger area with flag or just auto return it to flag poles) and west respawn back at one of the random sites in enemy territory carrying another flag
West Group B's task is to extract them.
Game is run on a time limit, with everybody respawning if killed
Heres the problem
Escapee spawns and respawns carrying a camouflaged coloured flag.
There are 6 escapees who all need a flag each
For each escapee there is the following possible scenarios
1) Alive and carrying flag
2) Dead and carrying flag
3) Dead and east have flag
4) Respawned with new flag, however east still have old flag
Having spoken to Tactician briefly on this, he suggests having 4 or 5 flags/ poles per escapee, well away from the playing area.
This at the moment is way above my head, i can easily do a CTF but this is far more complex
What i need is a script based scoring system and possibly a scripted Flag system
Is anybody willing to help me create this new game type please, or at the least give me some hints how to do this