2) You mean like the little thing in the corner than displays time and date and maybe location at the start of a mission? I had to open up somebody's mission to find that one myself as well (maybe Binkowski? Props anyway!). Simply make sure you have the Functions Module (F7) in-game, and then run this code:
[([daytime] call BIS_fnc_timetostring),str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 0),"Utes"] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;
That should show the time of day + the date, and the text "Utes". Just change "Utes" to whatever you want, and you should be good! I think you can change the first two entries too to whatever text you want, and it'll print that
Just be sure to have the Functions module placed in the mission, or it won't work!
3) Once again, opening up other people's missions and finding out is the best way, but generally you'll want to have a file called something like briefing.sqf that you then edit and add the briefing to. So, for instance:
_unit = Player;
_unit createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Extra stuff", "Add extra info here."]];
_unit createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Situation on Utes", "Situation on Utes is baaad. Damn Americans chasing away all the fish!"]];
_unit createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Background", "You're a fisherman on Utes! Catch the biggest catch!"]];
Task1 = _unit createSimpleTask ["Task1"];
Task1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Get to your boat.", "Get to your boat", "Get In Boat"];
Task1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getpos boat1)
Task2 = _unit createSimpleTask ["Task2"];
Task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Go out into the wide blue seas and catch some fish!", "Go fishing", "The Ocean"];
Task2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getpos ocean1);
You could also of course just put all of this in the init.sqf if you wanted to
Anyway, that should get you started! Oh, and you can also do fun stuff with the tasks using this little command:
[objNull, ObjNull, Task1, "CREATED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";
That will add the little "hint screen" on top that says stuff like "Task Failed" or "New Task". Just remember you actually have to fail/complete tasks using
The image intro thing is a bigger question, since I haven't myself made one so far, so I can't really help you all that much, but as savedbygrace says: if you know a mission using it, just open it up and learn! Good luck!
Wolfrug out.