Welcome to OFPEC. The search results will depend upon the key words you used in the search. It could be that you used keywords that simply yielded few results.
We have a database of
tutorials that cover just about anything you need in the game titles. You can use the drop down menu to select a game but since all three titles use nearly the same features, the tutorials are basically universal.
In regard to Radio, you'll need to read some info on the mission
Description file to learn how to define your sound for the mission.
You'll also need to read some info on
sound preparation to learn how to prepare sound files for use by the game.
Lastly, you'll need to read some info on how to call those sounds. This topic is normally covered in those tutorials above. You can check our site
COMREF out for commands relative to this topic.
sidechat is a command to read up on.
sideradio is another command to read up on.
If you need further help, some typical search keywords are sideradio, radio, sidechat, radiochatter.
If once you have read some tutorials and other threads covering the topic via the search feature, you still struggle to understand something, be free to post your situation in the forum and we'll do our best to answer it.