Nice - will try that
Actually, just before checking this thread again, i found the ArmA 1 mission i thought i was using the script in..
Turns out i wasn't
I was using this:
; Modified From Rapple.sqs by: Mustang60348
; Modified by: the[]coyote
; This script calls two parameters: the name of the group to paradrop
; and the name of the helicopter to paradrop from. Syntax is:
; [groupname, heliname] exec "Paradrop.sqs"
; In order to use the script, place a trigger where you want to paradrop to start from.
; In the Actvation field type: [groupname, heliname] exec "Paradrop.sqs"
; Once the trigger is activated, the helicopter will drop one paratrooper per second until
; all units in the group are in the skies. Personally, I make the helo stay at limited
; speed and no less than 100 height for safety of the paratroops.
_Group = _this select 0
_Vehicle = _this select 1
_listunits = units _Group
_A = 0
_B = count _listunits
_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]
Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)
?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"
MoveNext = TRUE
Will test both scripts and post the results
Maybe someone can use it for reference
Update:Couldn't get the BIS para.sqs to work, simply wouldn't fire..
The paradrop.sqs above, worked really well. There is one issue though, as soon as a parachute hits the ground, it keeps going down, and spawning again 1 meter above. This goes away after 1-2 minutes though