Is it possible, by yes, how, to give colours to the lines of a globalchat-chat? Because its now all white. And that is not good. Because it is hard the see who what says.
And how can I change the names of people who uses the globalchat?
Because, my name is now: Civilian(Thomas) I want it to make "Thomas". So without Civilian.
And if a Police officer "talks", his name is "Civilian". I want it to change it to "Police Officer".
This is my script:
FountainPolice dotarget man
FountainPolice globalchat "Why are you up so early? And you look terribel."
Man globalchat "I need a medic. Fast Fast Fast!"
FountainPolice globalchat "you have to go North- East. By a red car, is a medic. an American soldier off duty. Good Luck."
Man globalchat "thanks."
But ingame (Preview in the editor) it is like this:
Civilian "Why are you up so early? And you look terribel."
Civilian (Thomas) "I need a medic. Fast Fast Fast!"
Civilian "you have to go North- East. By a red car, is a medic. an American soldier off duty. Good Luck."
Civilian (Thomas) "thanks."
- How can I give the lines, a colour.
- How can I change the names.