jiks. it may sounds weird and pherphaps is.
We know we can have a object/model as a animated dialog. "notebook/gps/compass/clock" so on.
this can be done by using RscObject.
The wiki over at bis does not got very much data bout this class and how to use it in arma.. or at least i could not find any,
the toturial i find one says its being updated more in version 1. i got v 0.8
Anyways. i havent messed around much with this spesific class, so i thought why not give it a try. so i did,
i made a dialog. for the model i used a solider, scaled him down. so when i open the dialog the solider appares..
now the problematic stuff. "animating it." How the snizzel" do i animate it. i took a look at how the compass does it. but i am still blank.
cos i dont want to rotate it and stuff.. i need the model to play a spesific animation. "one of the many ones."
here is example of the simple dialog
class RscObject;
class MINIME
idd = 500;
movingEnable = true;
objects[ ]={SLDR};
class SLDR : RscObject
model = "\ca\characters\us_soldier_b";
idc = 501;
type = 80;
x = 0.347;
y = 0.585;
z = 0.3;
scale = 0.04;
direction[] = {0, 0, 1};
up[] = {0, 1, 0};
stuff that doesnt work
autoOpen = true;
autoZoom = true;
animSpeed = 1;
animation = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn.rtm";
use a trigger to create the dialog to open it.. easyest imo.
you probealy noticed the static animation it got..
i guess a class animations{} needs to be defined. but what should it contain?
Anyone ?