I have several problems..
THE AI follows when you get close enough, which is perfect... But, the AI follows extremely slow.. I want them to drive AGGRESSIVE... LIKE A COP trying to take down a perp.....
Also, the AI doesnt shoot at me if I am in a car, if I am out of the car they will open fire.... after a little bit...
_name = "Not Set"
_unit = _this select 0
{call format ["if (player == %1) then {_name = ""%1"";}", _x]} forEach allarray
hint "You are not wanted by the police!"
;; They are not a criminal, wait until they are....
_criminal = call format ["%1_criminal", _name]
if (_criminal > 0) then { goto "criminal_loop"; hint "You are now wanted by the police!" }
call format ["%1_criminal=1", _name]
if (!alive _unit) then { goto "exit" }
goto "wait_until_criminal"
;; They are a criminal, so lets let cops in the area chase them...
_criminal = call format ["%1_criminal", _name]
if (_criminal < 1) then { goto "wait_until_criminal"; hint "You are no longer wanted by the police!" }
; If you are more than 25 meters and less than 250, let them chase you
{call format ["if (%1 distance _unit > 25 && %1 distance _unit < 250) then { %1 moveInDriver %1_car; %1 doFollow _unit}", _x]} forEach coparray
;; %1 Move getPos _unit
; Otherwise, get out... and shoot...
{call format ["if (%1 distance _unit <= 25 && speed _unit < 5) then { unassignvehicle %1 }", _x]} forEach coparray
{call format ["%1 Move getPos _unit; %1 doFire _unit", _x]} forEach coparray
{call format ["%1 setSpeedMode ""FULL""; %1_car setFuel 1; %1_car setDamage 0", _x]} forEach coparray
if (!alive _unit) then { goto "exit" }
goto "criminal_loop"